Each active domain name is registered on the name of a particular person and during the registration process a lot of details are introduced - the owner’s names, address, email, telephone number, and many others. This information in addition to the registrar company name and the registration/expiration dates is recognized as WHOIS of the Internet domain and in agreement with the policies of Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) it has to be current and accurate. If a domain address has invalid WHOIS details, it might be reported and if the details aren't fixed, the domain may be erased or the registrar company could take over its ownership. By default, the WHOIS information is public and could be seen on a lot of lookup Internet sites, or for a small number of country-code extensions - on the Internet sites of the respective Registry companies. All companies which offer registration services are obligated to provide an effective way for their clients to access and change the WHOIS info of any domain address they own as much as the particular TLD allows it.
Full WHOIS Management in Shared Hosting
Through a shared hosting package from us, you're going to be able to handle the WHOIS information of all domain names registered here through the same Hepsia Control Panel where you will manage your hosting space. The Internet domain names shall be conveniently listed in alphabetical order and you will be able to see the WHOIS details for each of them with as little as one click. You'll be able to modify any part of the Registrant, Administrative, Technical and Billing contacts as much as the respective Registries allow it. We'll aid you with the country-code extensions that allow changes. The automatic updates can be made using the Control Panel. The generic extensions can be edited anytime and as frequently as you need. Hepsia will even allow you to update numerous Internet domain names simultaneously, which will save you considerable time and efforts.
Full WHOIS Management in Semi-dedicated Servers
All domain addresses which you register or transfer to a semi-dedicated server account from our company will be handled using our in-house built Hepsia Control Panel, which is also used to manage the hosting space. You will be able to check out the current WHOIS info for each of them with just one click and modifying any part of it shall take only a couple of clicks more. Hepsia shall also enable you to control many domain addresses at a time, so when you need to edit your address or e-mail, for example, you will save considerable time since you'll have to do it only once for all domain addresses in the account. If you own a country-code Internet domain that supports WHOIS modifications, but not automatic ones, we shall assist you with the process from the moment you contact us until the change takes effect. The domain names section of the Control Panel provides you with total control of all your domains and their WHOIS info.