If you have a mailbox with your very own personal domain name instead of a 3rd-party one, you will be able to use an email software app such as Outlook, Thunderbird or Apple Mail to check and manage your email accounts. The benefit of using such apps is that they also offer other features, such as calendars and address books. There are two different email delivery protocols that you can choose from when you configure the app of your liking to access your email account – POP3 and IMAP. With the first protocol, all messages that are received will be downloaded onto your device – mobile or desktop, unless you choose to store a copy on the email server. With the second one, the email messages will be displayed locally at your end, but they will remain on the server at all times, so you can set up the account on multiple devices and see the messages from any location. You’ll also be able to see old emails in case there is an issue with your Internet connection, which is an immense advantage over web-based services.