What is Drupal?

Drupal is an open–source CMS web app, that powers a lot of sites and applications, including many of the most important websites on the internet for example – Economist.com and WhiteHouse.gov. It is taken care of by international community of over 500,000 users and administrators who frequently add completely new improvements and then incorporate the hottest systems on the web.

You’re able to use Drupal to create any type of website – a small blog, bulletin board, a multimedia site, an e–store, etc. Thanks to the great number of obtainable add–on modules and preconfigured web themes for feature–rich websites, you’ll find an excellent foundation for jump–starting your web site.

Drupal is a trademark of Dries Buytaert and is not connected with Nom Savior.

Drupal–Optimized Shared Hosting Services

If you are searching for the most effective way for you to start your Drupal site then you have came to just the right place. At Nom Savior you can expect fast Drupal installation and configuration for all of Nom Savior’s Drupal shared hosting accounts. With each and every Drupal shared hosting account, it will be possible to pick a brand new academy domain for just $40.99, or transfer your current one – again for no extra charge!

The Drupal shared hosting packages are safeguarded with a 99.9% service uptime guarantee as well as a 99.9% network uptime guarantee. Each and every shared hosting account offers you unlimited disk space, infinite traffic and limitless MySQL storage. And moreover, the tech support staff is ready to help 24/7. They have a 1–hour maximum response time guarantee and most of the time respond in less than 20 minutes.

A Point & Click Site Control Panel

Nom Savior’s Drupal shared hosting packages offer a simple to operate Site Control Panel, that’s 100% developed by us. It is offered in a variety of languages and colors, so you’re able to customize it based on your personal taste. The Control Panel has a point and click interface that has a wide selection of tools, that will supply you with complete command over the content of your site.

You’ll receive a drag–and–drop File Manager where your Drupal files will be kept, a Databases Manager for your databases, plus a fully featured Email Manager from where you can control all your mailboxes. In addition, you will be granted access to a detailed stats tool that will update you with real–time details about your site traffic and resource usage.